Well, since I haven't posted a while, we have to do some catching up so you know what I'm talking about.
Last schoolyear didn't go so well, because I was to busy with doing things that had nothing to do with school. On monday I had piano lessons, tuesday I had to work, wednesday I had sewing class, thursday I was working too, on friday I had dancing class (ballroom and latin) and in the weekend I was really busy with my 'Hofplein theatre' which is acting, singing and dancing. We were preparing a musical, and we were busy practising all saturday and sunday. Later in my schoolyear I stopped working at thursday and around january Hofplein was done, we had performed our musical called 'the Winterqueen' (de winterkoningin for the dutch people). It was really awesome, but I had already screwed up my schoolwork and I was getting behind. I was still really busy with my other hobbies and was always tired when I got home from school, so studying wasn't really my first priority. I didn't manage to get my grades up, so now I have to do the year over. It's not really bad, there are a lot of nice people in my new class and I have some classes with Romy!
I also went on vacation to Italy this summer, to an island called 'Elba.' For the history people, Napoleon Bonaparte was captured there for some time untill he escaped. I went to Elba with Tim and his parents and sister, it was really nice. We played pool almost every day, and I still suck at it. But it was fun anyways.
And then the best news I can give you guys, and I am so excited about it! Romy and I want to study fashion design at Central Saint Martins in London, and we had planned to go to an open day this schoolyear. But we have found something better! A LOT BETTER. We are going to do a short course fashion design for a week! How cool is that? We leave december 12th and get back december 19th. We have classes from monday 13th to friday 17th, and we go shopping on saturday! Oh how I love shopping. But I am giving up spending money for like, 2 months! Just so I can save money for London. I have some buys which I have already planned and I can still make, and I have to buy my own food every wednesday but I'm saving up a lot of money. I have got €150,00 so far. Because I have to buy my own food in London too. But my parents are paying the hostel and the course and the train (yes, we travel by train) so it's okay. :)
I am so happy!
I promise to update my blog soon!
PS. As you can see, I have a new header, the shoes you see are the shoes I have bought a few weeks ago, I love them so much!